A relative newcomer to the international arena, Kobo Books is now one of the largest retailers of ePub-format eBooks in the world. Publishing on Kobo is a simple process. Just follow the steps mentioned below: Signup Every new beginning requires a sign up! Login to Kobo Writing Life to sign up and fill in your […]

From PC: Step 1: Open Google Play Books in your browser. Step 2: Sign into Google Play Books (Play Books) with your Google account. If you are not registered with Google, signup with Google for free. Step 3: After signing into Google Play Books, select “Upload files” on the top right. You can upload ePub […]

Compression vs Quality Trade Off There are some important factors to note while embedding images: The Kindle eBook format supports JPEG and GIF interior image files (maximum 5MB). Kindle Direct Publishing converts image files along with text content. Kindle Direct Publishing can process graphics in the following formats: GIF (or .gif) PNG (or .png) BMP […]

To wrap text around image we need to apply float property to <img> tag element. Here’s a sample code. Step 1: Open your eBook in Sigil or similar software. Step 2:Insert the following code in your CSS file: CSS .imgRight { float: right; padding: 5px; width: 30%; height: auto; display: block; } .imgLeft { float: […]